Dark Sleep

Dark Sleep 150 150 Christian Winther Christensen

How to prepare the piece.

You need to pre record 6 small movies that will end in 9 movies.
How to record the movies.
1. Put an Iphone (or other media that can film) onto a tripod so it can film your mouth. The tripod can be a music stand with some tape.
2. There must be light on the mouth when you recording the movie.
3. Be sure the mouth fill the screen without leaving the image.
4. Download the 6 files
5. Put headphones to the computer. Play the sessions from Itunes or another program and record the movie at the same time.
6. Best if you play and record at the same time but it can be difficult to do it alone. Else you have to record before you are playing the file.
7. Send the files to me with retransfer or with dropbox.